Confessions of a Migraine Sufferer (and How I Don't Poke My Own Eyes Out)

Confessions of a Migraine Sufferer (and How I Don't Poke My Own Eyes Out)

Imagine waking up to the gentle caress of sunlight streaming through your window, birds chirping their cheerful tunes, and the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities. Ah, sounds blissful, doesn't it? Well, hold onto that image, because in my world, the reality looks a little more like waking up to a sledgehammer pounding inside your skull.

Let's rewind to my childhood, where my father, bless his heart, was quite an avid smoker. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my dad to bits, but his smoking habit was like a migraine trigger on steroids. Every puff of smoke seemed to send my head into a tailspin, leaving me reaching for the nearest painkiller and a dark room to hide in. It was a constant battle between wanting to spend time with my old man and not wanting to feel like my skull was about to implode. But hey, we live, we learn, and eventually, Dad kicked the habit (thank goodness).

Over the years, I've tried just about everything to keep these migraines at bay. From popping pills to rubbing weird-smelling traditional oils on my temples, I've left no stone unturned in my quest for relief. And while some methods have offered temporary respite, others have left me questioning my sanity and wondering if I've accidentally stumbled into a scene from a horror movie.

But amidst the chaos and the agony, there's one thing that's kept me going - humour. Because let's face it, when you're lying in bed with an ice pack on your head and a pounding headache that feels like a jackhammer, sometimes all you can do is laugh. It might sound a tad masochistic, but there's something oddly therapeutic about finding humour in the midst of pain.

With that said, here are a few tried-and-tested tips for surviving the urge to perform impromptu eye surgery:

1. Embrace the Darkness:

No, I'm not suggesting you join a cult (although, at this point, it might be worth considering). I'm talking about creating your own personal cave of solitude during a migraine attack. Dim the lights, draw the curtains, and bask in the comforting embrace of darkness.

2. Ice, Ice Baby:

Ice packs are a migraine sufferer's best friend. Whether it's a gel pack or a bag of frozen peas, nothing beats the sweet relief of ice on throbbing temples.

3. Distract Yourself:

When all else fails, distract yourself. Queue up your favourite Netflix series, dive into a good book, or indulge in some light meditation (or heavy drinking, no judgment here).

4. Seek Professional Help:

No, not the kind that involves lying on a couch and discussing your childhood traumas (although, again, no judgment). I'm talking about consulting a healthcare professional who specialises in migraine management. They might not have all the answers, but they can certainly point you in the right direction.

At the end of the day, laughter truly is the best medicine (although a little painkiller never hurts anyone). Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some eyes to NOT poke out.

Stay strong,
Ash Ali

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